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About EuroSec

The seventh European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec) aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks. The objective of the workshop is to discuss novel, practical, systems-oriented work. EuroSec 2014 will be held on the 13th of April, 2014, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The workshop will precede the main  EuroSys 2014 conference.     

Topics of Interest

EuroSec seeks contributions on all aspects of systems security. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

In accordance with the spirit of the EuroSys conference, we also seek:

Call for submissions

You are hereby invited to submit papers of up to 6 pages, with 10-point font, in a two-column format (including figures, tables and references). The format of submitted papers should correspond to the following LaTeX style file . Instructions on how to use the LaTeX style can be found here . "Blinding" your submitted paper is not mandatory.

EuroSec explicitly encourages members of the systems community to explore leading-edge topics and ideas before they are presented at a major conference. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee . Only original, novel work will be considered for publication. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of EuroSec in the ACM Digital Library.

Important dates


The workshop is co-chaired by Davide Balzarotti (Eurecom) and Juan Caballero (IMDEA Software Institute). See the Organisation page for the full program committee.